Monday 6 January 2014

15 Second Sound Clip

For this assignment we were all given the same 15 second sound clip and we had to make an animation to this sound using flash. It had to include symbol and frame animation as well as cut out aspects.
I did like making this and putting it together. Making all the different layers in flash and the sound sync up was a bit of a struggle, but I did like that I could do whatever I wanted with the sound and it allowed me to be as creative as I wanted to be.

DEEP - Storyboard Project

We were given a section of a script called 'DEEP' and also drawings of the location. We then had to draw this out and bring it to life. Due to time issues I wasn't able to finish this in the standard I wanted. I would've added more background to a few frames, use more interesting angles and perspectives. But overall, I think it translates the script well.

Emotion Cubeys 2/2

The second part to our emotion brief was to have two characters. One dominant and the other submissive. The dominant one has to reprimand the other one, using cubeys.
I am happy with how this turned out overall, I feel I got the correct emotions and body language across.

Emotion Cubeys 1/2

The first part of our brief for this assignment was to have the cubey standing in the centre of the screen, then suddenly they hear a noise that is out of shot and have cubey react to it, the noise could be anything we want. The overall focus (apart from the animation principles) in this assignment was to add character to the cubey and put across emotion through body language.
When I did a first draft I did struggle with the timing as it all went too fast. I fixed that now and I think it works better. The noise I had in mind was something that would frighten the cubey and that's how they would react.

Life Drawing

These are some images from my second life drawing session. For the first drawing, I covered a piece of paper with charcoal and then worked into it with a rubber. The second drawing was done using chalk on black paper.

The Jumping Cubey

We were given the task to make a cube jump. The cube could only have a head, body and arms. We had to take into account what we have been learning about animation principles; timing, stretch and squash, anticipation and overlap.