Wednesday 19 February 2014

E4 Sting Project

Continuing on for the E4 Sting project we were then told to pair up with someone in our class. I was to give my sketches and storyboard to them and they would animate it and vice versa. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but I thought it could be fun. Funnily enough both our ideas included an octopus.

This is what I made given from my partners sketches. If I had more time I would of liked to have been able to make the fish and octopus move more smoothly but overall I am very happy with how this turned out.

Sunday 16 February 2014

E4 Sting Project

We were given a short two week project where we had to create a sting for channel E4, using the brief from their website. The first week we were told to make a storyboard and animatic.

This is just a few quick sketches for colour reference and final look of a few objects, and then my storyboard.

Friday 14 February 2014

Animatic - Ranger Rick's Adventures: Boomer's Grumpy Day

This is the animatic that I made based on the storyboard about 'Boomer's Grumpy Day'.  I also had to record a sound track to accompany it, with thanks to my flatmates, worked out better than I expected.

Storyboard - Ranger Rick's Adventures: Boomer's Grumpy Day

For this project we were given a choice from three scripts and we had to choose one to turn into a storyboard, then later into an animatic. I decided on Ranger Rick's Adventures: Boomer's Grumpy Day. I chose this one because the other two scripts included people, and I do feel more confident drawing them than animals. So I thought I'd give this one a go and I quite enjoyed it.

Life Drawing

Here are some more drawings from my latest life drawing lesson. First thing we did was to capture our model moving. For me this was difficult because of the angle and the proportions aren't correct.

Then we were had to make several short drawings where the charcoal wouldn't leave the page for the models short pose. I liked doing this as you focus more on the form and shape of the body and it looks more expressive.

Then we were given two poses for longer time limits. I'm pretty pleased with these, although I do have to work on the balance of the body as I have a tendency to straighten the pose up.

Life Drawing

Our first task in our third life drawing session was to capture our life model moving. I wasn't too sure about this when started, but halfway through when I saw the image taking place I enjoyed it. It resembles frame by frame drawing for animation. 

We then focused on keeping the body balanced in different positions and doing these in quick timed drawings. I learnt that by mapping out the pose and balance first with lines resembling a stick man, make it a lot easier to flesh out the rest of the drawing. Whereas I usually start drawing the outlines first.

This drawing was done by two other people and myself. It started off with me doing a quick unfinished sketch of our model, then we would swap and try to correct it (if it needed it) and work on further more on it and this was then repeated a second time. This was the outcome of mine. 

This was done using chalk on black paper and I was filling out the image firstly by drawing in the highlights and working on from there. 

Thursday 13 February 2014


I haven't previously added any 3D Maya work that I have done but this showreel will include that and my 2D animation work as well. Enjoy!