Thursday 19 March 2015

New VFX Project

The post production people were given a new project that consisted of us doing three shots and one having to be a collaboration with people outside our year. So far I have been trying to figure out what to do for my two shots and I have come up with an idea. My first shot I am basing on split personality as my theme. Here is my moodboard. While I was researching images I came across a television series called Hemlock Grove, more specifically the Netflix advert for it. I really liked how it looked and made a decision that I would use Hemlock Grove as my main inspiration.

 My second shot I wanted to do some kinetic typography, kind of similar to how musical artists release music videos on youtube but more stylized I guess. From putting this together I definitely want to make it colourful so it will contrast with my first shot. At this point I'm not too sure what sort of style I want to go for, if possible I would like to do a combination of different elements from each image.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Restorative Justice Animatic

Here is our animatic for the project, this was created by Elisabeth.
We wanted to use Lady Justice as the mediator between the victim and the offender and show how they feel and how the Restorative Justice Process helps them.


Tuesday 10 March 2015

Restorative Justice Project

This project is a live brief from RJ Working, who promote, co-ordinate and deliver Restorative Justice Processes in Cornwall. We have to group up and make a short film that will explain this process to the public. The aim is to create a film that puts our ideas across in a graphic visual way.

Me and two other people in my class grouped up because we had a similar idea and below is the style we want in our film. We want to keep to a minimum of three colours and our characters to be silhouettes and if they were to have facial features, it would only be hinted it at.