Monday 28 September 2015

Collaboration Project

We have been introduced to a new project that involves 2nd year TV students, where we have to create an animatic of an advert for a John Lewis style company.

The fake company is called Benjamin Cook and the advert has to be Christmas themed. It has to be 60 seconds long and be able to be shortened down to 30 seconds. And it has to be done in 3/4 days.

Fun. Right now I want to focus on my dissertation. Alas, I'll have to wait until next week.

Saturday 26 September 2015

The Dreaded Pitches

Yesterday was the day.

The pitches were split into into two groups. One group was pitching short film ideas, the other to pitch skill sets. I was in the latter group.

It was extremely nerve wracking. Granted I didn't have to speak as much as the people pitching film ideas but still, I was terrified. I've never been a fan of public humiliation speaking. It took place at The Poly in Falmouth, which is like a theatre/cinema. We had to stand up on the stage in front of an industry panel, our tutors and the whole of the Animation course.

I feel like my pitch went okay. I mean, I think I spoke loud enough and not too fast. Honestly, I'm just glad it's over.

And here is the showreel I used to show my skill set, enjoy!

Monday 21 September 2015

Third Year is Here

My last year has officially started.

The studio has been renovated into three separate studios, due to an influx of first years. Fingers crossed there will be enough computers when deadlines hit.

We shall see.