Saturday 31 October 2015

Restorative Justice, Again -_-

It wasn't over yet, but it is now.

Some changes needed to be made to the film, script and animation-wise. We have been struggling with the script since the beginning, as writing is not our forte. And I also had to change the arm on one of the silhouettes because it looked phallic.

Annoyingly we were given the wrong dates for the changes to be made by, so instead of a month to do this it was drastically reduced to only 4 days. And due to other commitments our group of five was decreased to me and one other person. Because of long, very long, hour days over those 4 days we finished it.

We even managed to get Dawn French to do the voice over, which is pretty cool :) Unfortunately I can't put the final version of the film on here as it has been nominated for an award. When I can I happily will.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Sweet Struggles

Because of the late go ahead on Sweet Tooth, we are about 4 weeks behind. Which is very precious production time! As the majority of second years have pledged themselves to other films already, we have ended up with the smallest crew.

Luis Cook, our animator in residence, came down to have a look at the films progress so far one week after Sweet Tooth got through. And from what I gathered, I don't think he understood or knew how far behind we were and that we only had a week to prepare for his meeting.

Although the meeting was a tad savage, we needed to hear what needed to be done and were given good advice in the process.

Sweet Tooth - trust, it can and will be done!

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sweet Tooth - Booyah!

After much deliberation with the tutors, the film that I really wanted to get through but didn't, has been put through which I am immensely happy about!

The film is called Sweet Tooth, and I'm the head animator.

Sweet Tooth is about a small Parisian bakery where the cakes inside come alive and take revenge on their human tormentors.

Picture credit to: Elisabeth Horne (the Director)

Bring on the workload.

Friday 9 October 2015

Bookish Creatures

The film I am working on has asked they crew to try and create some creatures that are inspired by books. And by that I mean the actual shapes of books. 

So I decided to try and create a snake like creature and took inspiration from a Cobra and a Venus Fly Trap and used open books to get the shape. The directors also wanted a creature based off an Arthropleura, which is a prehistoric centipede. I struggled a bit with this one because I couldn't find a way to make the books work with the body of the creature as it didn't really capture a centipede body. So I tried another one and decided to do a mixture of the first draft of the centipede and the cobra creature, and I'm much happier with it.


Sunday 4 October 2015

3rd Year Films

We have been officially told which films from the pitches have been given the go ahead, and unfortunately the one film I was really rooting for didn't make it. 

However I have put my name down for a film that did get through and I'm happy to help on any other film that requires any help, provided it's something I can do of course.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Collaboration Project - Finished

We finished the project in the short time allotted, despite the majority of the workload being put onto the animation students. Which is a bit unfair as we're not getting marked on this project but the TV students are.

We decided to go in the style of The Snowman (1978), and the animation students (3 of us in the group) chose a country each and did the drawings required for them. This then meant that there was a mix match of styles, but not too jarring when you watch the animatic. The TV students were in charge of sound.

In the end we came 2nd place and won a £30 Amazon voucher to share between the group which was nice.

Here it is!