Saturday 10 May 2014

Experimental Project

The experimental project is our chance for us to make animation without the use of a computer, only for putting the film together; no effects. And that was our brief. The first part of the project was to make three short films about 20 seconds long exploring with different techniques and choosing music from a list we were given.

This was the first one I made and I think the music fits well with the style of the animation. This being the first I just wanted to have some fun with it.

For this one I wanted this to be based purely on the music and have the animation match this on timing. This then meant that editing it together was tedious but it paid off.

To match the music I wanted to make something amusing. In hindsight I should have bought some playdough because shaping and reshaping the blu-tak was difficult because the material itself is hard.

The second part is then to make a 1 minute animation, using any of the first three experiments or something completely different. I decided on expanding the flower animation piece, as this was the one I was most pleased with.

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