Wednesday 23 October 2013

Storyboard - Meeting, Speed and Direction

For our first storyboarding exercise we were given the task of drawing two characters/objects travelling at different speeds (one fast, the other slow) and eventually meeting up. It had to be done in no less than seven frames and no more than twenty. We had to think about how to show speed in our drawings and how screen direction ties in with it all.
My stroyboard is about a couple meeting up, where the boy is on time and the girl is running late.
I enjoyed doing this assignment but I underestimated how much thinking was to be done. From thinking out the storyline to finding different angles to draw and how to best combine them to make an interesting scene. For future reference I will plan my storyboards out more thoroughly. 

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Life Drawing

A few weeks ago we had a life drawing class. It's been a year since I last did any life drawing and I was looking forward to it. The model first started with one minute poses, this was so we could just focus on the lines of the body and capture the essence of the pose without having to 'fill it out'. This was a little demanding as I was fighting the urge to make the drawings more lifelike. All drawings were done with charcoal.
One minute poses

We were then asked to use a big block of charcoal and start in the middle of the page and work our way out, outlines not allowed. We were given five minutes to draw this. With this method I was focusing with the tones and lighting within the body and exaggerating it. I quite like using this style as it allows you to add mood and emotion to your drawing.

For these next two drawings we were given ten minutes to draw each one. If I had more time I would've liked to focus on the shading and shadows to create more contrast within the drawings. I am pleased with these as I feel I have drawn the body in proportion and have managed the foreshortening well.

Bouncing Balls

We were given the task to animate two different balls bouncing using Flash. One being a football and the other being a bowling ball. We had to think about timing and weight and also using the stretch and squash technique. Just keep in mind that this is my very first time at doing animation.
There were a few problems along the way, especially with drawing the pattern onto the football and making it correspond with the movement and speed of the ball.

With this animation I had to think how differently it would fall against the football. Obviously it's heavier so it's going to fall faster and because of this extra weight it's not going to bounce as much as the football. I used more stretch and squash in the football as it's more bouncy.
Overall I am pleased with how my first pieces of animation have turned out.

Monday 21 October 2013

Toy Story Project

Our first project was to start our sketchbooks. With the task of finding a toy and to draw it. This included drawing the toy in different locations and angles to keep it interesting.
This is a sketch of a toy moose I borrowed from a friend. I drew the toy in full form so I could see what the toy would look like on paper before I placed it in locations. For this project I decided to make to toy 'come to life' and make it have human qualities.
There is no real story behind these drawings I was more focused on drawing the toy in various places. It was a little hard drawing the toy in diverse angles but once I started I really enjoyed it. This is an open ended project, so I might work on these some more.