Tuesday 22 October 2013

Life Drawing

A few weeks ago we had a life drawing class. It's been a year since I last did any life drawing and I was looking forward to it. The model first started with one minute poses, this was so we could just focus on the lines of the body and capture the essence of the pose without having to 'fill it out'. This was a little demanding as I was fighting the urge to make the drawings more lifelike. All drawings were done with charcoal.
One minute poses

We were then asked to use a big block of charcoal and start in the middle of the page and work our way out, outlines not allowed. We were given five minutes to draw this. With this method I was focusing with the tones and lighting within the body and exaggerating it. I quite like using this style as it allows you to add mood and emotion to your drawing.

For these next two drawings we were given ten minutes to draw each one. If I had more time I would've liked to focus on the shading and shadows to create more contrast within the drawings. I am pleased with these as I feel I have drawn the body in proportion and have managed the foreshortening well.

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