Friday 5 December 2014

11 Second Club

Our new project was to animate to a sound clip taken from the website 11 second club. Originally my idea was going to be quite serious and sad, but the actual tone of the voice in the audio clip did not sound serious enough to be able to pull it off. So I tried a more of a comedy route.

We were to focus on the animation and not the style or backgrounds or things like that, so please ignore the blandness. Sadly I didn't have time to upload it onto the 11 second club. The rig was taken from a website, which escapes me unfortunately, so no credit to me. I really enjoyed working on this and making both characters react to the audio, it was a lot of fun.

Hope you enjoy it!

Friday 24 October 2014

Funny in 15

This is the 'finished' film of our Funny in 15 project. We do still have some time to patch it up, but overall I'm happy with it. We had a few problems with it. Our original script and storyboard was too long and we had to fix that and cut it down so it would be 15 seconds long. We used Flash for this.

I drew the tables and chairs, did key frames, inbetweens, lip sync and clean up on the princess, animated the spaghetti and also did clean up on some parts with the prince.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Life Drawing

These images are all from the life drawing sessions I've had so far this second year. These ones are very short timed drawings, just trying to capture the shape of the model. I guess my main goal this year is to try and not make my drawings stiff. Even though these are very rough, I do feel like I have managed to not make them rigid.

These next two images are done by having the model move around and we have to try and capture the movements. I'm not going to lie I'm not a big fan of doing this because I just get confused and it looks messy. However I do like the first one here as you can see some form than in the second image.

These next set of images we were draw with the side of the charcoal so that we wouldn't draw the outline first. We were to get the overall shape and form first and then if there was time, work more detail into them. I really enjoyed this sort of style, and try to remember to use this in my next sessions. I find it a lot easier to catch the shape using this style.


These poses were to add character and emotion to them and to try and convey it on to paper.

This was done by looking at the model and not looking at the paper I was drawing on. I did accidentally peek a few times, but this one fun to do and see how it would turn out.

For this one we were told to focus on the the shape/outline of the model and instead of drawing a black line to show the shape, we were to treat the whole pose, objects as one shape and to black out the background. I find this sort of style difficult as I am so used to drawing the outline.  

I coloured the whole page in charcoal and using a rubber I rubbed out the parts where light was most prominent on the model. I'm not too happy with this one, if I had more time I would have liked to try and fix it.

These ones range from 10 to 30 minutes to draw.

These two are favourite ones from this set, I wish I had more time to finish them off. The poses are much more interesting to draw. I would have loved to add more detail to them. 

Friday 10 October 2014

Funny in 15

We have been given our first project, Funny in 15 in 5. Which means we have to create a funny animation in 5 weeks. We were able to choose our groups and I'm in a group of three.

After brainstorming different ideas, one person in our group came up with doing a slight twist on a Disney princess. Then we thought about all the Disney characters we could use and we all settled on Sleeping Beauty. The idea, coming from a member in our group, is to make Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) a narcoleptic. She's on a date with Prince Philip, they're talking and at some point she will fall asleep and her head will slam to the table.

I worked on some kind of character designs of Princess Aurora's face. We all agreed not to make a direct copy from Disney. For her, we wanted her to look innocent, big eyes etc.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

2nd Year

Hello! I have now entered my second year at uni and looking forward to start posting more work.

Thursday 29 May 2014

2D Background Project

Another project we were given was to draw and paint up some 2D backgrounds focusing on perspective, layouts and tonal drawings. These backgrounds also had to be taken from my storyboards on previous projects, which I thought was nice to be able to expand more those storyboards.

Perspective :

Atmospheric Perspective:



Saturday 24 May 2014

Maya - Environment Project

Our brief in Maya was to find a picture of an environment and then to build it in Maya, with textures, lighting and a camera move. I had a few problems with this project, mostly on rendering as it wasn't rendering parts of the camera animation so it cut my camera move short. But I did enjoy modelling up the environment and I am very happy with it.

So here is a showreel to display the various stages of this project.

Friday 23 May 2014

Mazed Ident

For this project we had to create a short animation of about 6-10 seconds as an ident for 'Mazed'. I was allowed to use material from the actual Mazed project itself. The key aspect was to think of Mazed as a brand and think what their key values are and how this can be communicated in my animation.

These are my moodboards that showed what I thought the brand values for Mazed are.

This shows my initial ideas for my ident that included the main characters from my group project for Mazed. The brand values that I took to work with were magical and storytelling as this fits well with my groups animation.

This is my storyboard of my final idea. I wanted to keep it simple and clean and make the brand values clear.

This is my final animation for the Mazed ident. I am pleased with this. I stuck with the brand values wholly and kept it simple and I think it looks good.

Motion Studies

I haven't uploaded my weekly tasks for my Motion Studies class but I did have to make a showreel and that includes all my assignments in. Given the time I would like to fix a few things, but nevertheless enjoy!

Monday 12 May 2014

Mazed Project - Finished Film

This is the finished animation for my groups Mazed project. There are a few things that need to be fixed but in general we are all satisfied with it.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Experimental Project

The experimental project is our chance for us to make animation without the use of a computer, only for putting the film together; no effects. And that was our brief. The first part of the project was to make three short films about 20 seconds long exploring with different techniques and choosing music from a list we were given.

This was the first one I made and I think the music fits well with the style of the animation. This being the first I just wanted to have some fun with it.

For this one I wanted this to be based purely on the music and have the animation match this on timing. This then meant that editing it together was tedious but it paid off.

To match the music I wanted to make something amusing. In hindsight I should have bought some playdough because shaping and reshaping the blu-tak was difficult because the material itself is hard.

The second part is then to make a 1 minute animation, using any of the first three experiments or something completely different. I decided on expanding the flower animation piece, as this was the one I was most pleased with.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Mazed Project

I managed to do some more backgrounds on this project thanks to Katie and Rob (director and producer) being able to go to the Cheesewring and taking pictures. Initially I was going but I had a house viewing and was unable to attend. However they took plenty of pictures of what I needed and was able to create some paintings from these.

I am very pleased with how these turned out as I think they link back to the location well by adding more detail and keeping it in the cartoon style that we wanted in our film.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Dance Sketches

We were given the opportunity to attend a dance lesson on campus and be able to sketch the dancers. I was excited for this as it was something new. I thought it was very beneficial in making me quickly pick out what parts of the body was needed to show motion, as the dancers moved fast. And also be able to create form with just a few lines.

After the class I filled in some of the sketches to make them stand out more.